Larisa Gulina


PhD, Dr.of Sci. Associated Professor
Solid State Chemistry Department, room 2221

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Researcher ID J-3232-2013;
SPIN 6800-1994;
SCOPUS ID 6602462195;
ORCID 0000-0002-1622-4311Research Gate:

 Research interests: Inorganic nanomaterials, solid state chemistry, reactions at the interface.


After graduation from the Chemistry Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, Larisa B. Gulina continued her scientific work at the Department of Solid State Chemistry in the research group of Prof. V.P. Tolstoy: first as a graduate student, then as a junior researcher, assistant, engineer, and senior researcher.

She defended her PhD thesis on the layer-by-layer synthesis of metal sulfide nanolayers on the surface of solids in 2010 and her doctoral thesis on the interfacial reactions at the liquid-gas interface in 2022.

She led RSF and RFBR grants and executed RSF, RFBR, INTAS, and the “Universities of Russia” program.

Research directions

The main direction of scientific research is the creation of micro- and nanoscale inorganic materials under conditions of “soft” chemistry using reactions at the boundary interface. This “nature-like” route combined with the periodic cyclic treatments helps us to create unique materials with various morphologies, such as nanorods and nanosheets, particles, microscrolls, and multilayers, including those with a gradient of composition and properties. The main experimental work is devoted to the new nanomaterial synthesis with the “Layer by Layer” method or Gas-Solution Interface Technique. For example, the synthesis conditions were determined for obtaining functional nanolayers of a wide range of inorganic compounds: sulfides, fluorides, polyoxometallates, metal nanoparticles, and composites based on metal oxides. For the first time, the possibility of obtaining microtubular structures of inorganic halides, chalcogenides, metal oxides, and hydroxides, as well as noble metals with the participation of chemical interaction between the planar solution surface and gaseous reagent, has been substantiated. The synthesized substances can be applied as advanced sensors, effective catalysts, sorbents, photoactive and luminescent materials, ionic conductors, smart materials, etc.


Bachelor's Degree 5191 Chemical Materials Science
Module “Preparation of inorganic nanomaterials under “soft” chemistry conditions at the interface” in the discipline 000921 Introduction to Materials Science
000960 Chemistry of the surface (elective)

Master's Degree 5512 Chemistry
070385 Nanomachines: Fundamentals and Outlook (elective)
2.2. 046813 Physical and Chemical Methods of the Surface Research (elective)

Master's Degree 5910 Materials of High Technologies
077775 Fundamentals of Chemical Design of Nanomachines and Nanorobots (elective)
077800 Materials Science of Nanostructured Sorbents and Catalysts
077833 Fundamentals of Smart Nanomaterials Construction
077759 Physical and Chemical Methods for Studying of Nanomaterials Surface (elective)

Supervision of student course works in inorganic chemistry, materials science, physical chemistry and Bachelor's and Master's degree students.


The results of the work are presented in more than 80 articles. Here are some of them:


  1. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, I.V. Murin, Crystallization of new inorganic fluoride nanomaterials at soft chemistry conditions and their application prospects, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 69 (2024) 259-270.
  2. V.P. Tolstoy, L.B. Gulina, A.A. Meleshko, 2D nanocrystals of metal oxides and hydroxides with nanosheet/nanoflake morphology in biomedicine, energy and chemistry, Russian Chemical Reviews. 92 (2023) RCR5071.
  3. S. Naeem, F. Naeem, J. Mujtaba, A.K. Shukla, S. Mitra, G. Huang, L. Gulina, P. Rudakovskaya, J. Cui, V. Tolstoy, D. Gorin, Y. Mei, A.A. Solovev, K.K. Dey, Oxygen generation using catalytic nano/micromotors, Micromachines (2021) 12(10) 1251. 1251.
  4. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, A.A. Solovev, V.E. Gurenko, G. Huang, Y. Mei, Gas-Solution Interface Technique as a simple method to produce inorganic microtubes with scroll morphology, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (2020) 30(3) 279-288.
  5. L.B. Gulina, A.A. Pchelkina, K.G. Nikolaev, D.V. Navolotskaya, S.S. Ermakov, V.P. Tolstoy, A brief review on immobilization of gold nanoparticles on inorganic surfaces and Successive Ionic Layer Deposition, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (2016) 44(1) 46-53.


  1. L.B. Gulina, E.E. Shilovskikh, V.P. Tolstoy, Interface-assisted synthesis of Ag/Ceria composites for the detection and photodegradation of organic dyes, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 701 (2024) 134897.
  2. L.B. Gulina, I.A. Kasatkin, V.P. Tolstoy, D.V. Danilov, N.V. Platonova, I.V. Murin, Design of Pb1−xSrxF2 hollow crystals with gas–solution interfacial reactions, CrystEngComm. 25 (2023) 6644-6649.
  3. L.B. Gulina, P.O. Skripnyak, V.P. Tolstoy, Synthesis of ceria nanosheets on the surface of Ce(NO3)3 solution by interaction with gaseous ammonia, Mendeleev Communications. 33 (2023) 124-126.
  4. L.B. Gulina, M. Weigler, A.F. Privalov, I.A. Kasatkin, P.B. Groszewicz, I.V. Murin, V.P. Tolstoy, M. Vogel, Morphological and dynamical evolution of lanthanum fluoride 2D nanocrystals at thermal treatment, Solid State Ionics (2020) 352 115354.
  5. L.B. Gulina, A.F. Privalov, M. Weigler, I.V. Murin, V. Tolstoy, M. Vogel, Anomalously high fluorine mobility in tysonite-like LaF3:ScF3 nanocrystals: NMR diffusion data, Applied Magnetic Resonance (2020) 51(12) 1691-1699.
  6. L.B. Gulina, V.E. Gurenko, V.P. Tolstoy, V.Y. Mikhailovskii, A.V. Koroleva, Interface-assisted synthesis of the Mn3–xFexO4 gradient film with multifunctional properties, Langmuir (2019) 35(47) 14983-14989.
  7. I.A. Kasatkin, L.B. Gulina, N.V. Platonova, V.P. Tolstoy, I.V. Murin, Strong negative therlal expansion in the hexagonal polymorph of ScF3, CrystEngComm (2018) 20(20) 2768-2771.
  8. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, Y.V. Petrov, D.V. Danilov, Interface-Assisted Synthesis of Single-Crystalline ScF3 Microtubes, Inorganic Chemistry (2018) 57(16) 9779-9781. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, Y.V. Petrov, D.V. Danilov, Interface-Assisted Synthesis of Single-Crystalline ScF3 Microtubes, Inorganic Chemistry. 57 (2018) 9779-9781.
  9. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, A.A. Lobinsky, Y.V. Petrov, Formation of Fe and Fe2O3 Microspirals via Interfacial Synthesis, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization (2018) 35(9) 1800186.
  10. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, I.A. Kasatkin, I.V. Murin, Facile synthesis of scandium fluoride oriented single-crystalline rods and urchin-like structures by a gas-solution interface technique, CrystEngComm (2017) 19(36) 5412-5416.
  11. G. Korotcenkov, V. Brinzari, L.B. Gulina, B.K. Cho, The influence of gold nanoparticles on the conductivity response of SnO2-based thin film gas sensors, Applied Surface Science (2015) 353 793-803.
  12. L.B. Gulina, M. Schäfer, A.F. Privalov, V.P. Tolstoy, I.V. Murin, Synthesis of LaF3 nanosheets with high fluorine mobility investigated by NMR relaxometry and diffusometry, Journal of Chemical Physics (2015) 143(23) 234702.
  13. V.P. Tolstoy, L.B. Gulina, Synthesis of birnessite structure layers at the solution-air interface and the formation of microtubules from them, Langmuir (2014) 30(28) 8366-8372.

Scientific grants

As team leader:

  1. RSF №22-29-00687 Optimization of the process for making functional-gradient and tubular inorganic microstructures as a result of chemical reactions at the liquid-gas interface, 2022-2023 years.
  2. RSF № 16-13-10223-P (Prolongation), 2019-2020 years.
  3. RSF № 16-13-10223 Crystallization at solution - gas interface and new generation of nano- and microstructured inorganic materials, 2016-2018 years.
  4. RFBR № 15-03-08045 Programmable layer-by-layer synthesis of mono- and bimetallic silver and gold nanostructures as well as a study of their optical, bactericide, photo- and electrocatalytic properties
  5. RFBR № 09-03-00892 New functional materials on the base of metal - oxide and metal - sulfide nanocomposite multilayers synthesized layer by layer

She was an executor under grants of RSF, RFBR, INTAS and the Universities of Russia program.