Valeri P. Tolstoy

htt Tolstoy VP

Professor, PhD, Dr. of Sci.

Office №: 2222.
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phone: 007-812-4284104

Scopus ID: 6701811375;
ORCID: 0000-0003-3857-7238;
Researcher ID: J-3171-2013;
SPIN-code: 16310732;
Research Gate
Google scholar citations: H = 28, there are more than 3,000 citations

Scientific interests and achievements

New methods of recording infrared spectra, including reflection-absorption spectra of compounds at the metal-semiconductor interface, reflection-absorption spectra of the surface of semiconductors and dielectrics, reflection-absorption spectra in immersion media, multiple transmission spectra in polarized light, diffuse transmission spectra of dispersed substances, etc., have been proposed and experimentally substantiated. These new methods and techniques expanded the range of objects studied by infrared spectroscopy and made it possible to significantly reduce the minimum amount of the substance under study. This feature proved to be in demand in laboratory practice when solving actual problems of studying a variety of practically significant nanoscale materials.
The obtained results are presented in 6 patents, more than 20 articles in scientific journals, a textbook and 3 monographs, one of which, namely “Handbook of Infrared spectroscopy of ultrathin films” (V. Tolstoy, I. Chernyshova, V. Skryshevsky, Wiley&Sons, 2003, New York, USA) has been cited more than 700 times.


A number of priorityworks were alsocarried out in the field of synthesis of thin-layer structuresbyatomiclayerdeposition.Inparticular, the conditions were justified for the first time andthesynthesis of coatingsusingvolatileorganometalliccompoundsasreagents was carried out, severalnewreactordesignsforsynthesis were createdandpatented,including"pipe-in-pipe"and"spatiallyseparated"reactors.
In 1984, a new approach to the synthesis of a wide range of inorganic compounds on the surface of solids under the conditions of “soft chemistry” was proposed and further substantiated in a series of experimental works with collaborators, the so-called Successive Ionic Layer Deposition (SILD) method, or in other terminology SILAR, LbL or sALD, based on the treatment of the substrate surface according to a special program with solutions of reagents. This method allows to synthesize nanolayers actually at room temperature and using dilute solutions of simple metal salts, as well as to set their thickness relatively precisely, to deposit nanolayers on the surface of samples of complex shape and to obtain multilayers of so-called hybrid compounds. New routes of such synthesis involving redox reactions in layers of adsorbed ions, reactions of hydrolysis of fluoride and oxalate complexes of metals, reactions of formation of hard-to-soluble peroxide compounds of transition metals, etc. were also proposed and experimentally substantiated.
Using such synthesis techniques, highly efficient membranes for hydrogen purification, active elements of gas and electrochemical sensors, protective coatings for metals, electrode materials for hybrid batteries-supercapacitors and electrolyzers, sorbents and catalysts for oxidation of a number of organic compounds, etc. were created. These works served as a basis for the development of new nanotechnology, which belongs to the category of so-called “key” nanotechnology.
In 2010 a new method of obtaining inorganic compounds with microscroll morphology, including complex oxides of manganese, iron, titanium, cerium, as well as sulfides of bismuth, cadmium, zinc, arsenic, lanthanide fluorides, etc. was proposed and further in joint work with Associate Professor L.B. Gulina. Most compounds with this morphology have not been previously obtained. It was shown that these objects possess a unique combination of optical, electrophysical and catalytic properties.
In 2019 was proposed and further in joint experimental work with researcher A. Meleshko and graduate student A. Golubeva experimentally substantiated a new method of obtaining oriented and ordered arrays of open microcapsules with walls from a wide range of inorganic compounds. Taking into account the results obtained, recommendations on the application of these microcapsules in the composition of high-performance electrode and photonic materials were made.

Lecture courses

Bachelor's Degree 5191 Chemical Materials Science
044260 Optical properties and spectroscopy of solids (elective),
Basic aspects of modern microscopy and its application in materials science (elective).

Master's Degree 5910 Materials of High Technologies
062489 Modern physical methods of nanoscale materials research,
070505 New nanoscale materials for hydrogen power engineering,
059937 Basic aspects of chemical assembly of nanoscale materials

Master's Degree 5512 Chemistry
009545 Modern microscopy in chemical research (elective)

Selected publications


  1. Valeri P. Tolstoy, Irina V. Chernyshova, Valeri A. Skryshevsky, Handbook of infrared spectroscopy of ultrathin films, 2003, Wiley&Sons, N-Y., USA, 740 pp.
  2. ValeriA. Skryshevsky, ValeriP. Tolstoy, Infrared spectroscopy of semiconductor structures (in Russian), Kyiv, T.H. Shevchenko KSU Ed., 1991, 187 pp.
  3. V.P. Tolstoy, Methods of UV-vis and IR spectroscopy of nanolayers (in Russian), Saint Petersburg, SPbSU Ed., 1998, 223 pp.
  4. V.P. Tolstoy, Sang Do Han, G.Korotcenkov, Successive Ionic Layer Deposition (SILD): Advanced Method for Deposition and Modification of Functional Nanostructured Metal Oxides Aimed for Gas Sensor Applications // Metal oxide nanostructures and their applications. Chapter 9. California: American Scientific Publishers, 2010. V. 3. 384-436.
  5. TolstoyV.P., Basic aspects of successive ionic layer deposition (in Russian), SaintPetersburg, 2020, 142 pp., (open access),
  6. TolstoyV.P.,Introduction to optical absorption spectroscopy of nanoscale materials, SaintPetersburg, Solo, 2014, 188 pp. (open access, SPbSU repository).
  7. Alekseeva I.P., Artemiev Yu. M., TolstoyV.P. at al., Практикумпохимиитвердыхвеществ (Koltzov S.I. at al. Editors), 1985, Leningrad, SPbSU Ed., 225 pp.


  1. TolstoiV.P., Synthesis of thin-layer struсturеs bу the ionic layer deposition method. Russ. Chem. Rev., 1993, 62 (3), 260–266 pp.
  2. TolstoyV.P., Successive ionic layer deposition. The use in nanotechnology, Russ. Chem. Rev., 2006, 75 (2), 183–199 pp.
  3. ErmakovS.S., NikolaevK.G., TolstoyV.P., Novel electrochemical sensors with electrodes based on multilayers fabricated by layer-by-layer synthesis and their analytical potential, Russ. Chem. Rev., 2016, 85 (8), 880–900, DOI:
  4. Korotcenkov G., Cho B.K., Gulina L.B., Tolstoy V.P., Synthesis of metal oxide based nanocomposites and multicomponent compounds using Layer-by-Layer method and prospects for their application, Journal Technologi, Vol. 75, No 7, P. 15-26.
  5. Tolstoy V.P., Kodintsev I.A., Reshanova K.S., Lobinsky A.A., A brief review of metal oxide (hydroxide)-graphene nanocomposites synthesis by layer-by-layer deposition from solutions and synthesis of CuO nanorods-graphene nanocomposite (2017) Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 49 (1), 28-37 pp.
  6. Gulina L.B., Pchelkina A.A., Nikolaev K.G., Navolotskaya D.V., Ermakov S.S., Tolstoy V.P., A brief review on immobilization of gold nanoparticles on inorganic surfaces and Successive Ionic Layer Deposition (2016) Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 44 (1), 46-53 pp.
  7. Tolstoy V.P., The peroxide route of the successive ionic layer deposition procedure for synthesis nanolayers of metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides. Thin Solid Films. 1997. № 1-2. 10-13 pp..
  8. Korotchenkov G., Tolstoy V., Schwank J. Successive ionic layer deposition (SILD) as a new sensor technology: Synthesis and modification of metal oxides. Measurement Science and Technology. 2006. № 7. 1861-1869 pp.
  9. Korotchenkov G., Tolstoy V., Schwank J., Boris I. Successive ionic layer deposition: Possibilities for gas sensor applications. Journal of Physics:Conference Series. 2006. № 1. 45-50 pp.
  10. Gulina, L.B., Tolstoy, V.P., Solovev, A.A., Gurenko, V.E., Huang, G., Mei, Y. Gas-Solution Interface Technique as a simple method to produce inorganic microtubes with scroll morphology, (2020) Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 30 (3), 279-288pp.
  11. Meleshko, A.A., Tolstoy, V.P., Afinogenov, G.E., Levshakova, A.S., Afinogenova, A.G., Muldiyarov, V.P., Vissarionov, S.V., Linnik, S.A. Prospects of hydroxyapatite-based nanomaterials application synthesized by layer-by-layer method for pediatric traumatology and orthopedics (2020) Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Reconstructive Surgery, 8 (2), 217-230pp.
  12. Naeem, S., Naeem, F., Mujtaba, J., Shukla, A.K., Mitra, S., Huang, G., Gulina, L., Rudakovskaya, P., Cui, J., Tolstoy, V., Gorin, D., Mei, Y., Solovev, A.A., Dey, K.K. Oxygen generation using catalytic nano/micromotors (2021) Micromachines, 12 (10), article № 1251.
  13. Mujtaba, J., Liu, J., Dey, K.K., Li, T., Chakraborty, R., Xu, K., Makarov, D., Barmin, R.A., Gorin, D.A., Tolstoy, V.P., Huang, G., Solovev, A.A., Mei, Y. Micro-Bio-Chemo-Mechanical-Systems: Micromotors, Microfluidics, and Nanozymes for Biomedical Applications (2021) Advanced Materials, 33 (22), article № 2007465.
  1. V.P. Tolstoy, A.A. Golubeva, E.O. Kolomina, D.V. Navolotskaya, S.S. Ermakov, New Chemoresistive Gas Sensors with Active Elements Prepared by Layer-by-Layer Chemical Assembly with the Participation of Reagent Solutions and Their Analytical Capabilities (2022) Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 77 (3) 257-276pp.
  2. S. Jaberi, P. Asen, A. Esfandiar, V. Tolstoy, MXene/carbon hybrid nanostructures and heteroatom-doped derivatives for enhanced electrochemical energy storage (2024) J. of Energy Storage 90, 111751.
  3. L. Gulina, V. Tolstoy, I. Murin, Crystallization of New Inorganic Fluoride Nanomaterials at Soft Chemistry Conditions and Their Application Prospects (2024) Russ. J. of Inorg. Chem., 1-12,
  1. G. Korotcenkov, V.P. Tolstoy, Current Trends in Nanomaterials for Metal Oxide-Based Conductometric Gas Sensors: Advantages and Limitations—Part 2: Porous 2D Nanomaterials (2023) Nanomaterials, 13 (2) 237.
  2. V.P. Tolstoy, L.B. Gulina, A.A. Meleshko, 2D nanocrystals of metal oxides and hydroxides with nanosheet/nanoflake morphology in biomedicine, energy and chemistry (2023)Russ. Chem. Rev., 92 (3) RCR5071.
  1. J. Mujtaba, A. Kuzin, G. Chen, F. Zhu, F.S. Fedorov, B. Mohan, G. Huang, V. Tolstoy, at al., Synergistic Integration of Hydrogen Peroxide Powered Valveless Micropumps and Membraneless Fuel Cells: A Comprehensive Review (2024) Advanced Materials Technologies 9 (14) 2302052.


  1. Patent SU № 1245898 “Spectrophotometer for recording spectra of dispersed solids” (co-authored with A.I. Somsikov).
  2. Patent SU № 1571418 “Spectrophotometric device” (co-authored with A.A. Somsikov and E.A. Vinogradov).
  3. Patent SU № 1822905  “Device for registration of spectra of solids” (in co-authorship with A.I. Somsikov).
  4. Patent SU № 1099255 “Method of spectroscopic study of ultrathin layers on the surface of semiconductors and dielectrics” (in co-authorship with V.B. Aleskovsky, A.I. Somsikov and O.V. Aleksandrov).
  5. Patent SU № 1539608 “Method of measuring differential transmission spectra on dual-beam spectrophotometers” (in co-authorship with V.A. Skryshevsky, V.I. Striha, Y.A. Averkin, and N.K. Kardamonov).
  6. Patent SU № 1746261 “Method of spectrophotometric study of samples and spectrophotometer” (in co-authorship with A.I. Somsikov, E.A. Vinogradov and V.N. Vatulev).
  7. Patent SU № 1560627 “Method of passivation of metal surface” (in co-authorship with L.P. Bogdanova, S.V. Zaitseva and V.B. Aleskosvsky.
  8. Patent SU № 1386600 “Method of synthesizing manganese dioxide layers” (co-authored with L.P. Bogdanova and G.V. Mityukova).
  9. Patent for invention SU № 916190 “Method of welding metals” (co-authored with V.B. Aleskovskii, S.I. Koltsov, et al.).
  10. Patent SU № 1475980 “Method of steel surface phosphating” (co-authored with L.P. Bogdanova).
  11. Patent SU № 1713977 “Method of metal surface phosphating” (co-authored with L.P. Bogdanova).
  12. Patent RU № 2051207 Method of synthesis of metal hydroxides layers” (co-authored with E.N. Kara).
  13. Patent SU № 1812762 “A method for creating a silicon-ceramicheterostructure of a high-temperaturesuperconductor”(co-authored withB.S.Zhuchkov).
  14. Patent SU № 1795636 “A method for producingwirefromsuperconductingceramics"(co-authored withB.S.ZhuchkovandV.B.Aleskovsky).
  15. Patent SU № 1591534 “A method for producingmonolayers of metaloxides"(co-authored withV.B.Aleskovsky,L.P.BogdanovaandE.Y.Egorova).
  16. Patent SU № 1563515 “A method for obtainingoxidelayers"(co-authored withV.B.AleskovskyandS.N.Gruzinov).
  17. Patent SU № 1202467 “A method for obtainingdielectriclayers"(incollaborationwithS.N.Gruzinov,V.B.Aleskovsky,etc.).
  18. Patent SU № 1359261 “Devicefor the synthesis of oxidelayers"(co-authored withS.N.Gruzinov).
  19. Patent RU № 2624466 “A method for synthesizing an electroactivesubstancelayerforsupercapacitorelectrodesbased on a nanocompositeofmetal-oxygencompounds of cobaltandnickel"(co-authored withA.A.Lobinsky).
  20. Patent RU № 2774818 “Devicefor the synthesis of coatingsfrominsolublecompoundson the surface of substrates”(co-authored withL.I.Kuklo).

Scientific grants

As team leader:

  1. RSF grant № 18-19-00370 “Development of the basics of nanotechnology for layer-by-layer synthesis of compounds from M_1M_2A_x series (M_1, M_2 = Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Sn, Ir, etc., A = O, OH, etc.) and their composites with platinum group metals and/or carbon nanomaterials and creation of new electrode materials for alternative energy”.
  2. RSF grant № 18-19-00370P (prolongationfortheperiod 2021-2022) “Development of the basics of nanotechnology for layer-by-layer synthesis of compounds from M_1M_2A_x series (M_1, M_2 = Ni, Co, Fe, Mn, Sn, Ir, etc., A = O, OH, etc.) and their composites with platinum group metals and/or carbon nanomaterials and creation of new electrode materials for alternative energy”.
  3. RFBR grant –Ph.D. students № 20-33-90228 “Study of regularities of layer-by-layer synthesis of nanosized rhodium and ruthenium particles, their alloys and nanocomposites with oxides of a number of transition metals with general formulas M_1^0, M_1-xM_2 and M_1O_x-nM_2O_y (M_1= Rh, Ru, M_2 = Co, Ni, Cu, etc.) and creation of new practically important functional nanomaterials”.
  4. RFBR grant № 98-03-32583-а “Thin-layer structures based on new series of compounds in the system [nMe_1(A_1)_x – mMe_2(A_2)_y]_k (Me_1, Me_2- cations,A_1,A_2 – O^2-, OH^-, S^2-, Hal^-, etc.). Synthesis by ion layering and investigation of their properties”.
  5. RFBRgrant№01-03-32427-а “Redox reactions in solutions and at the solution-solid interface and synthesis by ion layering of new multilayers of inorganic substances”.
  6. RFBRgrant№ 05-03-33207-а “Physicochemical bases of synthesis by ion layering of nano- and multilayers of binary metal sulfides”.
  7. RFBRgrant№ 08-03-00390-а “Thin-layer structures of new hybrid iso- and polyoxometallates synthesized by the “layer-by-layer” scheme as a basis for the creation of new functional materials”.
  8. RFBRgrant № 11-03-90451-Ukr.“Regularities of formation and properties of nanomaterials based on porous silicon and multilayers synthesized by the ion layering method”.
  9. RFBRgrant № 12-03-00805-а“Nano- and microtubes of metal oxides (hydroxides) and sulfides obtained on the basis of nanoflakes of the corresponding compounds synthesized by successive ionic and ionic-colloid deposition”.
  10. SPbSUgrant № “Multilayers of inorganic compounds produced under conditions of programmed layer-by-layer synthesis as a basis for creating a new generation of multifunctional and smart nanomaterials”.
  11. Grant CRDF # MOE2-2588-CH-04 “Rational Synthesis and optimization of heterogeneous catalysts and gas sensor materials by successive ionic layer deposition” (2004-2006, USA),
  12. Haldor Topsoe A/S contract “Successive ionic layer deposition of palladium membranes” (1999-2001, Denmark).
  13. Grant INTAS # 7729 “Hydrogen Reservoirs based on Porous Silicon Nanostructures for Portable Devices” (2005-2007, Russia-France-Ukraine-Italy).
  14. Grant from SPbSU-Sharif University of Technology (Iran), Pure ID:93573974 “Creation of new 2D-nanomaterials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems using the methodology of layer-by-layer chemical assembly in reagent solutions”.
  15. RSF grant №23-19-00566 “Development of technological bases of programmed layer-by-layer synthesis of complex oxides Ce(III, IV), Mn(III,IV) and their composites with biopolymers and hydroxyapatite and creation of new biomedical materials”.