
Anna Igorevna Kuzminova

ah Kuzminova AI

PhD, Assistant

Department of Analytical Chemistry
Laboratory # 2081, 2085

WoS ResearcherID: J-3228-2013
Scopus AuthorID: 57194683240
SPIN-код: 8638-5890
ORCID: 0000-0001-5401-254X

Scientific-and-educational group

Membrane Materials and Membrane Separation Methods

Area of research

Polymer membranes, nanocomposites, pervaporation, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, layer by layer, bulk modification, surface modification, mixed matrix membranes

Educational job

Penkova A.V., Kuzminova A.I., Dimitrenko M.E., Markelov D.A., Ermakov S.S. Educational and methodological manual "Guidelines for laboratory work of the practical work "Membrane nanocomposite materials", St. Petersburg, 2022.

Scholarships and grants

  1. 2017 year — grant from St. Petersburg State University for an internship in the laboratory of the University of Lorraine, Nancy (France) under the guidance of the director of the membrane group Denis Roisard.
  2. 2018–2020 years — grant from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation, winner of the UMNIK program "Development of novel pervaporation membranes for the separation of industrially significant mixtures".
  3. 2019–2020 years — winner of the competitive for a scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation in the 2019–2020 academic year.
  4. 2020 year — winner of the competition for grants for students of universities located in St. Petersburg, graduate students of universities, industry and academic institutions located in St. Petersburg.
  5. 2021 year — the winner of the competition for grants for students of universities located on the territory of St. Petersburg, graduate students of universities, industry and academic institutions located on the territory of St. Petersburg.
  6. 2022–2024 years — winners of the 2022–2024 competition for the right to receive a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students SP-2506.2022.1 "Development and study of novel high-performance mixed-matrix membranes for water treatment in environmentally friendly and energy-saving membrane processes."
Main performer
  1. 2017–2020 years — grant of the Russian Science Foundation of Initiative research by young scientists of the Presidential Research Projects Program No. 17-73-20060 “Development of new mixed matrix membranes for highly efficient, environmentally friendly and resource-saving separation of liquid mixtures”.
  2. 2020–2023 years — grant of the Russian Science Foundation of Initiative research by young scientists of the Presidential Research Projects Program No. 20-79-10064 “Development of new mixed matrix membranes based on cellulose derivatives for highly efficient, environmentally friendly and resource-saving membrane separation of liquid mixtures and creation of catalytic membrane reactors”.

Public and organizing activity

  • member of the organizing committee of the International Tournament of Natural Sciences (St. Petersburg) and the International Natural Sciences Tournament (St. Petersburg) (2014–2017).
  • assistance in holding the international conference "Mendeleev" (St. Petersburg) (2017, 2019)
  • assistance in holding the Olympiad for Schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University in Chemistry (2017)
  • member of the jury of the correspondence stage of the Tournament of Natural Sciences (2021)

Academic and professional awards

  1. Laureate of the competition of the best poster presentation 16th International School-Conference "Spinus 2019".
  2. Diploma of the 1st degree for a report at the international scientific-practical conference "The predictive nature of scientific research and the practice of their implementation in the context of the global crisis in the economy and society".
  3. 1st degree diploma for the presented work "Development of new membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol modified with an organometallic framework polymer UIO-66(NH2)-EDTA" in the nomination "Scientific articles in chemical sciences" in the 33rd International competition of scientific research works (28 February 2021).


  1. M.E. Dmitrenko, A.V. Penkova, A.B. Missyul, A.I. Kuzminova, D.A. Markelov, S.S. Ermakov, D. Roizard, Development and investigation of mixed-matrix PVA-fullerenol membranes for acetic acid dehydration by pervaporation, Sep. Purif. Technol. 187 (2017) 285–293. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2017.06.061.
  2. M.E. Dmitrenko, A.V. Penkova, A.I. Kuzminova, S.S. Ermakov, D. Roizard, Investigation of polymer membranes modified by fullerenol for dehydration of organic mixtures, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 879 (2017). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/879/1/012010.
  3. T.V. Plisko, A.S. Liubimova, A.V. Bildyukevich, A.V. Penkova, M.E. Dmitrenko, V.Y. Mikhailovskii, G.B. Melnikova, K.N. Semenov, N.V. Doroshkevich, A.I. Kuzminova, Fabrication and characterization of polyamide-fullerenol thin film nanocomposite hollow fiber membranes with enhanced antifouling performance, J. Memb. Sci. 551 (2018) 20–36. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2018.01.015.
  4. M. Dmitrenko, A. Penkova, A. Kuzminova, A. Missyul, S. Ermakov, D. Roizard, Development and characterization of new pervaporation PVA membranes for the dehydration using bulk and surface modifications, Polymers (Basel). 10 (2018). doi:10.3390/polym10060571.
  5. M.E. Dmitrenko, A.V. Penkova, A.I. Kuzminova, M. Morshed, M.I. Larionov, H. Alem, A.A. Zolotarev, S.S. Ermakov, D. Roizard, Investigation of new modification strategies for PVA membranes to improve their dehydration properties by pervaporation, Appl. Surf. Sci. 450 (2018) 527–537. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.04.169.
  6. A.V. Penkova, M.E. Dmitrenko, N.A. Savon, A.B. Missyul, A.S. Mazur, A.I. Kuzminova, A.A. Zolotarev, V. Mikhailovskii, E. Lahderanta, D.A. Markelov, K.N. Semenov, S.S. Ermakov, Novel mixed-matrix membranes based on polyvinyl alcohol modified by carboxyfullerene for pervaporation dehydration, Sep. Purif. Technol. 204 (2018) 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2018.04.052.
  7. M. Benzaqui, R. Semino, F. Carn, S.R. Tavares, N. Menguy, M. Giménez-Marqués, E. Bellido, P. Horcajada, T. Berthelot, A.I. Kuzminova, G. Maurin, N. Steunou, Covalent and Selective Grafting of Polyethylene Glycol Brushes at the Surface of ZIF-8 for the Processing of Membranes for Pervaporation, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 7 (2019) 6629–6639. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05587.
  8. K.V. Otvagina, A.V. Penkova, M.E. Dmitrenko, A.I. Kuzminova, T.S. Sazanova, A.V. Vorotyntsev, I.V. Vorotyntsev, Novel composite membranes based on chitosan copolymers with polyacrylonitrile and polystyrene: Physicochemical properties and application for pervaporation dehydration of tetrahydrofuran, Membranes (Basel). 9 (2019). doi:10.3390/membranes9030038.
  9. M.E. Dmitrenko, A.V. Penkova, A.I. Kuzminova, R.R. Atta, A.A. Zolotarev, A.S. Mazur, O.S. Vezo, E. Lahderanta, D.A. Markelov, S.S. Ermakov, Development and investigation of novel polyphenylene isophthalamide pervaporation membranes modified with various fullerene derivatives, Sep. Purif. Technol. 226 (2019) 241–251. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2019.05.092
  10. M. Dmitrenko, A. Kuzminova, A. Zolotarev, S. Ermakov, D. Roizard, A. Penkova, Enhanced pervaporation properties of PVA-based membranes modified with polyelectrolytes. Application to IPA dehydration, Polymers (Basel). 12 (2020). doi:10.3390/polym12010014.
  11. M. Dmitrenko, V. Liamin, A. Kuzminova, A. Mazur, E. Lahderanta, S. Ermakov, A. Penkova, Novel mixed matrix sodium alginate–fullerenol membranes: development, characterization, and study in pervaporation dehydration of isopropanol, Polymers (2020), V.12, 864. doi:10.3390/polym12040864
  12. T.V. Plisko, A.V. Bildyukevich, K.S. Burts, S.S. Ermakov, A.V. Penkova, A.I. Kuzminova, M.E. Dmitrenko, T.A. Hliavitskaya, M. Ulbricht, One-Step Preparation of Antifouling Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes via Modification by a Cationic Polyelectrolyte Based on Polyacrylamide, Polymers (2020), V.12, 1017. doi:10.3390/polym12051017
  13. 13) M. Dmitrenko, A. Zolotarev, V. Liamin, A. Kuzminova, A. Mazur, K. Semenov, S. Ermakov, A. Penkova, Novel Membranes Based on Hydroxyethyl Cellulose/Sodium Alginate for Pervaporation Dehydration of Isopropanol, Polymers (2021), 13(5), 674. doi:10.3390/polym13050674
  14. 14) M. Dmitrenko, V. Liamin, A. Kuzminova, E. Lahderanta, N. Solovyev, A. Penkova, Modification Approaches to Enhance Dehydration Properties of Sodium Alginate-Based Pervaporation Membranes, Membranes (2021), 1(4), 255, doi:10.3390/membranes11040255
  15. A.I. Kuzminova, M.E. Dmitrenko, D.Y. Poloneeva, A.A. Selyutin, A.S. Mazur, A.V. Emeline, V.Y. Mikhailovskii, N.D. Solovyev, S.S. Ermakov, A.V. Penkova, Sustainable composite pervaporation membranes based on sodium alginate modified by metal organic frameworks for dehydration of isopropanol, J. Memb. Sci. (2021), 626, 119194, doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119194
  16. A.V. Penkova, A.I. Kuzminova, M.E. Dmitrenko, V.A. Surkova, V.P. Liamin, D.A. Markelov, A.V. Komolkin, D.Y. Poloneeva, A.V. Laptenkova, A.A. Selyutin, A.S. Mazur, A.V. Emeline, S. Thomas, S.S. Ermakov, Novel pervaporation mixed matrix membranes based on polyphenylene isophtalamide modified by metal–organic framework UiO-66(NH2)-EDTA for highly efficient methanol isolation, Sep. Purif. Technol. (2021), 263, 118370, doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118370
  17. Kuzminova A., Dmitrenko M., Mazur A., Ermakov S., Penkova A., Novel pervaporation membranes based on biopolymer sodium alginate modified by FeBTC for isopropanol dehydration, Sustainability (2021), 13(11), 6092.
  18. Dmitrenko M., Kuzminova A., Zolotarev A., Liamin V., Markelov D., Semenov K., Plisko T., Bildyukevich A., Penkova A. Novel pervaporation membranes based on hydroxyethyl cellulose/polyvinyl alcohol modified with fullerene derivatives for enhanced isopropanol dehydration. 2021. Journal of Material Research. DOI 10.1557/s43578-021-00432-x.
  19. Dmitrenko M., Kuzminova A., Zolotarev A., Liamin V. Plisko T., Burts K. Bildyukevich A., Ermakov S., Penkova A. Novel high flux poly(M-phenylene isophtalamide)/tio2 membranes for ultrafiltration with enhanced antifouling performance. 2021. Polymers V. 13, (162), paper number 2804. DOI 10.3390/polym13162804.
  20. A.I. Kuzminova, M.E. Dmitrenko, A.A. Zolotarev, A.S. Korniak, D.Y. Poloneeva, A.A. Selyutin, A.V. Emeline, A.A. Yushkin, A. Foster, P. Budd, S.S. Ermakov, Novel Mixed Matrix Membranes Based on Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity PIM-1 Modified with Metal-Organic Frameworks for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions and Food Dyes by Nanofiltration, Membranes (2021), 12, 14, doi:10.3390/membranes12010014.
  21. Dmitrenko M., Kuzminova A., Zolotarev A., Markelov D., Komolkin A., Loginova E., Plisko T., Burts K., Bildyukevich A., Penkova A. Modification strategies of polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membrane using TiO2 for enhanced antifouling performance in water treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 286, 120500 (2022). DOI 10.1016/j.seppur.2022.120500.
  22. Lakshmy K.S., Lal D., Nair A., Babu A., Das H., Govind N., Dmitrenko M., Kuzminova A., Korniak A., Penkova A., Tharayil A., Thomas S. Pervaporation as a Successful Tool in the Treatment of Industrial Liquid Mixtures, Polymers, 14, 8, 1604 (2022). doi: 10.3390/polym14081604
  23. Dmitrenko M., Atta R., Zolotarev A., Kuzminova A., Ermakov S., Penkova A. Development of Novel Membranes Based on Polyvinyl Alcohol Modified by Pluronic F127 for Pervaporation Dehydration of Isopropanol. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3561. doi: 10.3390/su14063561
  24. Burts K., Plisko T., Dmitrenko M., Zolotarev A., Kuzminova A., Bildyukevich A., Ermakov S., Penkova A. Novel Thin Film Nanocomposite Membranes Based on Chitosan Succinate Modified with Fe-BTC for Enhanced Pervaporation Dehydration of Isopropanol. Membranes 2022, 12, 653. doi: 10.3390/membranes12070653
  25. Dmitrenko M., Chepeleva A., Liamin V., Kuzminova A., Mazur A., Semenov K., Penkova A. Novel PDMS-b-PPO Membranes Modified with Graphene Oxide for Efficient Pervaporation Ethanol Dehydration. Membranes 2022, 12, 832. doi: 10.3390/membranes12090832