The most of departments’ researchers are involved in interdisciplinary projects. Apart from polymer chemistry and physics, they do applied studies allied to biology, medicine, engineering, colloid and physical chemistry. The current fields of research include:
- Polymer immobilized bioactive compounds (e.g. antioxidants) for cardio surgery, fungicide and bactericide for plant protecting systems etc.
- Biocompatible and biodegradable polymer materials for drug delivery systems, cell cultivation for tissue engineering, wound protecting agents etc.
- Nanostructured polymer systems: layer structured nanoparticles, stimuli responsive gels, polyelectrolyte surfactant complexes and other systems based on various chemical interactions (covalent, hydrophobic, ionic etc.).
- Methods and Equipment
- AFM (Veeco Nanoscope V)
- GPC/SEC (Shimadzu LC-20)
- UV-Vis (Shimadzu UV-1700 & UV-1800)
- Material Mechanical Properties (Shimadzu EZ-Test)
- Measurements of solution viscosity and conductivity
Besides, researchers and students are granted access to the brand-new instruments located in Resource Centers of SPbU (NMR, thermal methods – DSC, TGA, TVA, Electronic microscopy and many others).