Alina A. Manshina
Professor of Institute of Chemistry
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ORCID: 0000-0002-1053-6410
Researcher ID: H-4719-2013
Scopus ID: 16204812700
Academic experience
- Doctoral degree in chemistry (solid state chemistry), 2017 “Laser-induced synthesis of metal and hybrid metal/carbon nanomaterials”
- PhD degree (laser physics) St. Petersburg state university, Physical faculty, 2002 “Processes of excitation energy transfer in doped glassy semiconductors”
- Master degree from St. Petersburg state university, Physical faculty, 1995 “Evaluation of attenuation coefficients in optical fibers”
- Bachelor's degree from St. Petersburg state university, Physical faculty, 1993 “Methods of determination of attenuation parameters in optical fibers”
Professional experience
- Professor of Institute of chemistry, St. Petersburg state university, assumption March 2018.
- Vice- director in science of Institute of chemistry, St. Petersburg state university, 2016 – up to now.
- Associate professor of Institute of chemistry, St. Petersburg state university, 2007 – 2018.
- Head of laboratory of Nonlinear spectroscopy of condensed media, Laser Research Institute, St. Petersburg state university, 2004 – 2007
- Senior researcher, department of Nonlinear spectroscopy of condensed media, Russian Center of Laser Physics, 2002 – 2004
- Researcher, department of Nonlinear spectroscopy of condensed media, Russian Center of Laser Physics, 1999 – 2002
- Junior researcher, department of Nonlinear spectroscopy of condensed media, Russian Center of Laser Physics, 1995 - 1999
Field of professional interests
- Direct laser synthesis of NP
- Laser-induced structural modifications of bulk optical materials
- Laser-induced synthesis of hybrid metal/carbon materials
- Creation and electrochemical activity of nanoporous surfaces with multimetallic NP
- Plasmonic nanostructures for SERS detection of natural biotoxins
- Synthesis of crystalline hybrid nanosctructures for nanooptics
Other information
- Editor of Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications (Nature-Springer publishing group)
- Editor of journal: Scientific reports (Nature-Springer publishing group)
- Member of G-RISC (German-Russian international scientific council) Steering Committee, direction – chemistry
- Diploma for scientific leadership of Sturt-up project ‘Ceramic prints’, 2018
- Silver medal and Diploma for innovation, Belgium, 2007, The Belgian and international trade fair for technological innovation.
- Diploma for scientific leadership "All-Russian competition of students’ scientific projects in nanotechnologies and nanomaterials", 2009.
Conference activity in committees
- Member of program committee of international conference for young scientists Science and Progress (2011 – up to now)
- Member of program committee of international conference for young scientists Mendeleev (2013 – up to now)
- Scientific secretary of the Third International conference on Laser Optics for Young Scientists 2006
- Vice-chair of the First Russian-French Laser Physics Workshop for Young Scientists 2004
- Scientific secretary of the Second International conference on Laser Optics for Young Scientists 2003
- Scientific secretary of the IQEC/LAT conference for the Young Scientists 2002
- Scientific secretary of the 4th Italian-Russian Laser Symposium 2001
- Scientific secretary of the First International conference on Laser Optics for Young Scientists 2000
Grants and projects
- Principle investigator, RFBR grant 17-03-01284 «Hybrid metal/carbon nanostructures for detection of complex biotoxic substances for ecological safety» (11.04.2017 - 31.12.2019)
- Principle investigator, State contract № 4.604.21.0078 "Development of synthesis methods of associated nano-hybrids for luminescent labels of bio-medical application" Ministry of education and science of Russia. (30.06.2014 - 31.12.2016)
- Leading researcher, State contract 14.513.11.0079, "Development of laser-induced synthesis of hybrid nanostructured materials for hazardous impurities detection "Ministry of education and science of Russia. (20.06.2013 - 02.11.2013)
- Principle investigator, State contract № 16.513.11.3134 "Development of synthesis methods of nano crystalline labels for marker's visualization in cells and tissues" Ministry of education and science of Russia. (21.10.2011 – 09.09.2012)
- Leading researcher, State contract 02.513.12.3088 "Development of creation method of nanostructured metal elements on dielectric surface by laser-induced metal deposition from liquid phase for devices of modern photonics and microelectronics with participation of scientific organizations of Finland" Ministry of education and science of Russia. (01.10.2009 - 20.09.2010)
- Patent RU 2614245C1, 24.03.2017 Kolesnikov I.E., Povolotskiy A., Povolotskaiya, A., Manshina A A "Method of hybrid plasmon-luminescent labels creation "
- Patent RU 2559582, 10.06.2015 "Chalcogenide substrate for biochip" A.S.Tveryanovich, Yu.S.Tveryanovich, A. Povolotskiy, A.S. Vasilieva, A.A.Kireev, A.A.Manshina
- Patent RU 2444161-C1 27.02.2012. “Method of laser application of metal coatings and conductors onto dielectrics” A.V. Kurochkin, A. Povolotskiy, S.P. Tunik , I.O. Koshevoy, A.V. Povolotckaia, Yu.S.Tveryanovich A.A.Manshina
- Patent RU 2498298-C1, 21.08.2012, “Apparatus for imaging of biological objects with nano-labels”. Borisov E N, Grunskii O S, Manshina A A, Povolotskii A V
- Patent RU 2323553, 09.01.2007 “Laser method of copper deposition from electrolyte solution onto the dielectric surface” Ivanova T.Yu., D. Kim, A.A.Manshina, A. Povolotskiy, Yu.S.Tveryanovich
- Patent RU 2237029, 18.11.2002 “Chalcogenide glass” Tveryanovich A.S., Tveryanovich Yu.S., Grigoriev Ya.G., Tveryanovich Yu.S., Degtyarev S.V., Kurochkin A.V., Man'shina A.A.
List of main publications
- Dmitrii Pankin, Ilya Kolesnikov, AnnaVasileva, Anna Pilip, Vladislav Zigel, Alina Manshina. Raman fingerprints for unambiguous identification of organotin compounds, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2018, Volume 204, 5 Pages 158-163
- Stefanie Schlicht, Sandra Haschke, Vladimir Mikhailovskii, Alina Manshina, Julien Bachmann. Highly Reversible Water Oxidation at Ordered Nanoporous Iridium Electrodes Based on an Original Atomic Layer Deposition Chem Electro Chem 2018, Volume 5, Issue 9, Pages 1259-1264
- Kolesnikov, I.E., Ivanova, T.Y., Ivanov, D.A., Mikhailov, M.D., Manshina, A.A. In-situ laser-induced synthesis of associated YVO4:Eu3+@SiO2@Au-Ag/C nanohybrids with enhanced luminescence Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2018, 258, p. 835-840
- Mamonova, D.V., Kolesnikov, I.E., Manshina, A.A., Mikhailov, M.D., Smirnov, V.M., Modified Pechini method for the synthesis of weakly-agglomerated nanocrystalline yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) powders, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 189, с. 245-251
- S. Haschke, D. Pankin, Y. Petrov, S. Bochmann, A. Manshina, J. Bachmann, Design Rules for Oxygen Evolution Catalysis at Porous Iron Oxide Electrodes: Thousand-Fold Current Density Increase, ChemSusChem. 2017, 10 (18) P.3644-3651
- A. Manshina. Laser-inspired chemical transformations, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 2017, 115, с. 243-251
- S. Schlicht, A. Kireev, A. Vasileva, E. V Grachova, S. P Tunik, A. A Manshina and J. Bachmann, A model electrode of well-defined geometry prepared by direct laser-induced decoration of nanoporous templates with Au-Ag@C nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, 2017, Volume 28, Number 6
- M. Y. Bashouti, A. V. Povolotckaia, A. V. Povolotskiy, S. P. Tunik, S. H. Christiansen, G. Leuchs and A. A. Manshina. Spatially-controlled laser-induced decoration of 2D and 3D substrates with plasmonic nanoparticles//RSC Adv., 2016,6, 75681-75685
- I. E. Kolesnikov, A. V. Povolotskiy, D. V. Mamonova, E. Lähderanta, A. A. Manshina and M. D. Mikhailov. Photoluminescence properties of Eu3+ ions in yttrium oxide nanoparticles: defect vs. normal sites//RSC Adv., 2016,6, 76533-76541
- A.A. Manshina, E.V. Grachova, A.V. Povolotskiy, A.V. Povolotckaia, Yu.V. Petrov, I.O. Koshevoy, A.A. Makarova, D.V. Vyalikh, and S.P. Tunik Laser-induced transformation of supramolecular complexes: a novel approach to control formation of hybrid multi-yolk-shell Au-Ag@a-C:H nanostructures // Scientific Reports, 2015. — Vol. 5, — P. 12027
- M.Y. Bashouti, A. Manshina, A. Povolotckaia, A. Povolotskiy, A. Kireev, Y. Petrov, M. Mačković, E. Spiecker, I. Koshevoy, S. Tunik, S. Christiansen Direct laser writing of μ-chips based on hybrid C-Au-Ag nanoparticles for express analysis of hazardous and biological substances // Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, 2015. — Vol. 15, — № 7. — P. 1742-1747
- I.E. Kolesnikov, D.V. Tolstikova, A.V. Kurochkin, S.A. Pulkin, A.A. Manshina, M.D. Mikhailov Concentration effect on photoluminescence of Eu3+-doped nanocrystalline YVO4, Journal of Luminescence Volume 158, Pages 469–474
- A.V. Povolotskaya, A.V. Povolotskiy, A.A. Manshina Hybrid nanostructures: Synthesis, morphology and functional properties // Russian Chemical Reviews, 2015. — Vol. 84, — №6. — P. 579