Igor V. Murin
Igor’ Vasil’evich Murin was born in Leningrad. He was graduated from the Lensovet Leningrad Institute of Technology, Nuclear Physics Department. He has had his postgraduate education at Faculty of Chemistry of Leningrad State University. From the year of 1963 he has related his professional career with the University. The steps of which are postgraduate student, junior researcher, senior researcher, associate professor, professor, dean of Faculty of Chemistry (1984-1989), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (1996-2000), Senior Vice-Rector (2000-2006).
He has received his Ph.D. in chemistry degree (candidate of chemical sciences) in 1967, and D. Scienc. degree (doctor of chemical sciences) in 1984.
He is a head of the Solid State Chemistry Department from 1989.
He is Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Russian Federation, Honorary professor of St.-Petersburg University. As an author of the “Solid State Ionics” monograph he became a winner of the University award “For Proceedings” of 2012 year.
Research activity
I. V.Murin is the leading specialist in the fields of solid state chemistry and chemical material science. He is one among the founders of the promising branch of condensed state chemistry – solid state ionics. Murin’s scientific school implements the fundamental studies discovering a nature of superionic conductance of inorganic materials in crystalline, glassy and nanostructured states. Up-to-date theoretical and experimental techniques are used. Physico-chemical and nuclear physics approaches such as radiospectroscopy, EXAFS, impedometry, diffusion measurements, high pressure techniques are among them. Under the leadership of I.V.Murin computer simulation methods are successfully developed. Ionic transfer and structural disorder in inorganic, polymeric and hybrid materials are under these investigations. The results obtained in the way are especially useful in determination of searching criteria for novel superionic conductors. Modern computer technologies - parallel calculations by computer clusters – are in active use.
The Murin’s school has developed novel techniques of chemical synthesis including soft chemistry methods to produce superionic conductors and other solid phase materials with unique functional features.
The most efforts of Murin’s research group are in the production and study of superionic conductors and ion-conductive membranes with conductivity by lithium, silver, fluorine, chlorine, sulphur, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen ions. Nanoionic composite materials based on carbon nanotubes are also of group interests. The great attention is paid for the development of synthesis techniques and for the complex study of ceramic composite materials based on carbides and nitrides of zirconium, hafnium and titanium. The materials have a high durability and electrophysical features. The relevance and originality of the efforts are confirmed by a great amount of international and Russian grants (RFBR, INTAS, NOW (Holland), NATO, St.-Petersburg State University grants etc).
Academic work
He is a lecturer on training directions “Chemistry” and “Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials”( ChPhMM). He gives the following lectures “Introduction to materials science” (ChPhMM bachelor course), “Solid state chemistry and ionics” (ChPhMM bachelor course), “Solid state ionics materials” (ChPhMM master course), “Solid state chemistry” (Chemistry graduating student course).
He is the editor or co-author of the tutorials: “Desired synthesis of functional materials” (SPbSU Publish. House, 2007), “Laboratory works on Chemistry of Solids” (SPbSU Publish. House, 2003), “Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Solid State Chemistry” (SPbSU Publish. House, 1992), “Physico-Chemical Methods in Solid State Chemistry” (Leningrad SU Publish. House, 1985).
I.V.Murin was an invited lecture professor of a number of Russian universities and universities of USA, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Israel, Singapore et al. on the topics of solid state chemistry and solid state ionics. He was participant and among organizers of major international scientific conferences. I.V. Murin was a supervisor of above 35 Ph.D. and Dr.Sci. theses. Post-graduate students from Germany, Viet-Nam, Libya, Israel, China have carried out their theses under his leadership.
He is an author over than 400 research works.
Joint authorship with A.K. Ivanov-Schitz:
- Solid State Ionics. SPb, SPbSU Publish. House, T.1. 2000. 616 p.
- Solid State Ionics. SPb, SPbSU Publish. House, T.2. 2010. 1000 p.
Selected works
- I. Yu.Gotlib, A.K. Ivanov-Schitz, I.V.Murin, A.V.Petrov, R.M.Zakalykin. Structure and ionic transport properties of AgI1-xBrx within single-wall carbon nanotubes from molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C .Volume 116, Issue 36, 13 September 2012, Pages 19554-19570.
- I.A.Sokolov, I.V.Murin, V.E Kriyt, A.A.Pronkin. Electrical and structure of glasses in the Na2O-Na2S-P2O5 and Na2S-P2S5 systems. Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2011. 37, №3, с.263-282.
- I.A.Sokolov, I.V.Murin, A.A.Pronkin. Electrical Conductivity of Borate Glass of the M2O5 (Me=Na, Ag, Te) System. Electrochemistry. 2011. 37, №3, с.263-282.
- I.V.Murin, Yu.K.Startsev, M.Yu.Zubkova, A.A.Pronkin, I.A.Sokolov. Glass Formation and Electrical Conductivity of Glasses in the Na2Se-P2Se5 System in a Wide Temperature Range. Glass Physics and Chemistry, 2010,Vol.36, No 1, pp.21-26.
- I.Yu.Gotlib, A.K. Ivanov-Schitz, I.V.Murin, A.V.Petrov, R.M.Zakalykin. Computer simulation of ionic transport in silver iodide within carbon nanotubes. Solid State Ionics. Vol.188, Issue 1, 22 April 2011, pp. 6-14.
- I. Yu.Gotlib, A.K.Ivanov-Schitz, I.V.Murin, A.V.Petrov, R.M.Zakalykin. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Silver Bromide Nanostructures in Single -Walled carbon Nanotubes. Физика твердого тела, 2011, 53, 11, 2375-2384.
- A.K.Ivanov-Schitz, I.V.Murin. Materials for Solid State Ionics: State of the Art and Perspectives Proceedings Of International Conference”The Base Trends of Chemistry Development at the Beginning of 21st century”, SPb, April, 2009, p.26.
- L.Kalinina, Yu.Ushakova, Yu.Fominykh, G.Shirokova, I.Murin, O.Medvedeva Sulphur conductive solid electrolytes in MeS-La2S3 system. Current Applied Physics 8(1), pp.107-109. 2008.
- I.Yu.Gotlib, E.M.Piotrovskaya, I.V.Murin. Molecular dynamic simulation of fluorite- and tysonite-type solid electrolytes. Computational Materials Science. Vol.3. Issues 1-2. May 2006, pp.73-78.
- I.Yu.Gotlib, E.M.Piotrovskaya, I.V.Murin, A.F.Privalov, Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Solid Electrolytes with a tysonite type lattice on the base of LaF3 Vestnik SPBU. Ser.4. Iss.2. 2004.pp.56-66.
- V.V.Sinitsyn, O.Lips, A.F.Privalov, F.Fujara, I.V.Murin. Transport properties of LaF3 fast ionic conductor studied by field gradient NMR and impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 64(7),pp.1201-1205.
- C.Kroger, H.Niggemeier, H.-D.Wiemhofer, O.Glumov, I.Murin. Ion transport in alkaline and earth alkaline hydrogen fluorides. Solid State Ionics 155-154, pp. 487-495. 2002.
- V.M Smirnov, N.P Bobrysheva, M.G Osmolowsky, V.G Semenov, I.V.Murin. Surface Magnetic Ordering of Fe-O and Ti-O Groups Disposed on Diamagnetic Support. Surface Review and Letter, 2001, V.8, № 3, p. 295-302.
- V.P.Tolstoy , I.V.Murin, A.Reller Synthesis of Mn(IV) oxide nanolayers by sensitive ionic layer deposition method. Appl. Surface Science, 112 (1997), 255-257.
- F.Fujara, I.V.Murin, O.V.Glumov, A.F.Privalov, H.-M.Vieth. Transport Properties of Superionic Crystals with Tysonite Structure. Materials Science Forum, Vols.239-241(1997) pp.407-412.
- A.F.Privalov, I.V.Murin, H.-M.Vieth. Superionic Conductors with Tysonite Structure: Evidence for a Distribution of Motional Correlation Times from19F NMR Data. Ionics 2(3-4),рр319-322, 1996.
- I.V.Murin, O.V.Glumov, A.V.Petrov. Structural Features and Transport Processes of Superionic Conductors based on Tin(II) Fluoride. Ionics 2(5-6),рр.446-450, 1996.
- I.V.Murin, O.V.Glumov, W.Gunsser, M.Karus. Transport processes in fluoride crystals under high pressure. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solid, 1995, Vol.137, p.2.
- A.F.Privalov, H.-M.Vieth, I.V.Murin. NMR study of superionic conductors with tisonite structure. J.Phys.: Cond.Matter 1994, v.6, p.8237-8243.
- J.ten Eicken, W.Gunsser, I.V.Murin, S.V.Chernov. ESR-investigations on the superionic behaviour of doped b-PbF2. Ber. Bunsenges Phys. Chem1992, v.96, pp.1723-1724.
- Melissa A.Denecke, Thomas Lemke, Walter Gunsser, I.Kosaski, Wilchelm Niemann. Temperature Dependent EXAFS –Measurements on Superionic Conductors. Hamburger Syntchrotonstrahlungslabor HASYLAB am Deutschen Electronen-Synchroton DESY. Jahrbericht 1990. 257-528. 1991
- A.F.Privalov, H-.M.Vieth, I.V.Murin. Fluorine diffusion and phase transition in super- ionic conductor KSn2F5 as studied by 19F-NMR, electrical conductivity and DSC. Z.Naturforsch., 1983, Bd.38a, S.593-594.
Public and organizational activity
I.V.Murin is the chairman of a dissertation board for defense of doctoral theses, the chairman of the Collegium of honorary professors of SPbSU, the chairman of the Russian association “Solid State Ionics”, Counselor of the international organizations and associations ”Reactivity of Solids” and “Solid State Ionics”, a member of editorial boards of a number of Russian and international scientific editions. He is a member of Training and Methodology council on “Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials” of UMO for classical university education, participant of the committee on ethics of the SPbSU Academic Council, Expert and Advisory board of the Legislative assembly of Leningrad district, voluntary board of Transport Administration of Russian Ministry of Home Affairs on North-West Federal Region.
I.V.Murin was awarded by many badges of honor and letters of commendation of Russian and international organizations, including Council on cooperation in educational sphere of Union of Independent States, Legislative assembly of Leningrad district, All-Russia Olympic board. He was decorated with the medal of the order “For merits before Fatherland” of 2-nd degree.